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What is RSI? Relative Strength Index

what is rsi indicator

When an RSI chart is paired along with a stock’s price chart, identifiable patterns often begin to emerge in the data. Knowing what the relative strength index (RSI) is and knowing how to read an RSI chart are investor tools that can help both professional and retail investors anticipate reversals. Positive and Negative Reversals can be boiled down to cases where price outperformed momentum. And because Positive and Negative Reversals only occur in their specified trends, they can be used as yet another tool for trend confirmation. Of course no one indicator is a magic bullet and almost nothing can be taken simply at face value. Andrew Cardwell, who was mentioned earlier, was one of those students who took Wilder’s RSI interpretations and built upon them.

  1. Wilder posited1 that when price moves up very rapidly, at some point it is considered overbought.
  2. For instance, if the security is repeatedly reaching the overbought level of 70, you may want to alter this level to 80.
  3. If the RSI is 20, it indicates that the asset is potentially oversold, suggesting that it might be undervalued and could be due for a price correction or reversal to the upside.
  4. Bearish swing rejections happen where the sequence of higher lows breaks.
  5. Similarly, RSI numbers tend to be lower during a bear market and may not bounce as quickly when oversold.

For example, someone might consider any number above 80 as overbought and anything below 20 as oversold. Join 1,400+ traders and investors discovering the secrets of legendary market wizards in a free weekly email. I’ve crafted a fictitious RSI chart below to clarify this concept using a bullish how to buy skycoin RSI swing rejection.

what is rsi indicator

Analysts typically take a converging RSI to mean that a how to buy snek trend is likely to continue in its current direction. RSI convergences also indicate the potential strength and speed of the trend. When an asset is overbought, there is a lot more buying than selling for the period. When there’s a lot of buying, the RSI, and typically the price, rapidly moves up.

RSI Divergences

Technical analysis focuses on market action — specifically, volume and price. When considering which stocks to buy or sell, you should use the approach that you’re most comfortable with. Traders can then base their buy and sell decisions on whether the short-term trend line rises above or below the medium-term trend line. Readings below 30 generally indicate that the stock is oversold, while readings above 70 indicate that it is overbought.

Using RSI for Trading

An RSI above 70 suggests a security may be overbought and could be a good candidate for a bearish trade. Likewise, an RSI below 30 suggests a security is oversold and could be a candidate for a bullish trade. Note, however, that the RSI can remain elevated or depressed for extended periods of time. Additionally, some securities consistently produce extreme RSI levels, which require an investor to adjust the levels they would consider to be overbought or oversold. Generally, when the RSI indicator crosses 30 on the RSI chart, it is a bullish sign and when it crosses 70, it is a bearish sign. Put another way, one can interpret that RSI values of 70 or above indicate that a security is becoming overbought or overvalued.

What Does It Mean if a Stock Is Oversold?

The closer RSI is to 0, the weaker the momentum is for price movements. Good traders will wait for the first pullback before entering a long position — they won’t FOMO. This means there’s a high likelihood of the first 15-minute, hourly, and 4-hour oversold condition to bounce, assuming there is no news negatively impacting the stock. To improve the odds of success, look to make sure the market and the sector are moving up — you always want as much wind overcome these 6 major chatbot challenges with ease without coding at your back as possible when trading. The first strategy is to buy the first higher timeframe oversold condition in a blue sky breakout. Blue sky breakouts typically have very little resistance above existing price levels.

Relative Strength Index FAQs

The color, line thickness and line style can also be determined. Only applicable when Bollinger Bands are selected as the MA Type in the Inputs section, otherwise the bands will not appear even if this is selected. Can toggle the visibility of the Lower Bollinger Band well as the visibility of a price line showing its value. Can toggle the visibility of the Upper Bollinger Band well as the visibility of a price line showing its value. What this means is that essentially Divergence should be used as a way to confirm trends and not necessarily anticipate reversals. Some traders believe that Wilder’s overbought/oversold ranges are too wide and choose to alter those ranges.

Toggles the visibility of a Background color within the RSI’s boundaries. Determines the type of Moving Average that is applied to the RSI calculation. Selecting Bollinger Bands adds two additional plots that envelop the MA.

Can also select the RSI’s color, line thickness and line style. Determines the time period to be used in calculating the MA specified in MA Type. Determines what data from each bar will be used in calculations. An RSI between 30 and 70 was to be considered neutral and an RSI around 50 signified “no trend”. Let’s look at a more sophisticated equities example where I filter overextended stocks where one component is the RSI. I’m not going to provide the code for this example as some of it is proprietary — but the sector code below is a great starting point for aspiring algorithmic traders.

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